Gifts-In-Kind Opportunities
Did you know your excess inventory can change the life of a child?
Do you have excess inventory, returns, misprinted items, discontinued SKUs? Free up warehouse space and have worldwide impact simply by donating products and services to Samaritan’s Purse. Our Operation Christmas Child project relies on the generosity of corporations to ensure that the shoebox gifts we send to boys and girls in need overseas are packed full of things they will enjoy. These gifts replace any used, damaged, or harmful objects we receive in gift-filled shoeboxes. Regardless of the size of the donation, God uses these tangible expressions of His love to transform the lives of children, their families, and their communities.
Every dollar saved through donations means another dollar we can direct to other vital ministry activities. These activities include equipping overseas partners with training and follow-up resources, providing secure transportation in shoebox receiving countries, and more.
You can also donate services such as transportation. Thousands of shoeboxes are collected at drop-off locations, and we have to move those shoeboxes to a processing center to be sorted and shipped.
It’s Easy to Give Back
Key Donor Benefits for Businesses:
• Tax receipts available for businesses that donate goods and services
• International distribution of shoebox gifts ensures your products will not appear in the domestic market
• Easy donation process
Contact Us About Gifts-In-Kind
Contact us by emailing [email protected] or call 1-800-303-1269
The list below includes more suggestions for items and services you can donate.
Needed Donation Items
Click on the categories for more information.
School Supplies
Quality Crafts
Warehouse Supplies
Clothing and Accessories
Non-liquid Hygiene Items
Your donation will make a difference in the lives of children and families in need all over the world.
Contact Us About Gifts-In-Kind
Email [email protected] or give us a call at 1-800-303-1269 to see how you can get involved.