A medical center in the Philippines is serving long-displaced families, giving people like Luis better health and bright hope.
Luis* is surrounded by reminders of the violent uprising that changed his life forever.
He’s one of 5,000 people still living in a makeshift camp in the Philippines. The shelters they call home were intended to be used for a few months, but their former houses haven’t been rebuilt.

Nearby access to primary medical care is life-changing for displaced families who have lived without it for years.
Six years have now passed.
Profound Sadness
“After the siege, I kept questioning the situation of my life: how I am crammed together with another family in one tiny house. How we don’t have enough food, resources, or access to healthcare—especially for old people like me,” he shared. “For the first time, I felt profound sadness.”
“The siege” was a clash between militants and government armed forces in a remote part of the country. The low-income neighborhood where Luis lived had always been underserved. But conditions in the camp are even worse.
When Luis’s wife died, he reached new depths of devastation, and his health plummeted.
His relatives took him to the capital city for treatment. After a month-and-a-half of care, his health had not improved. Surgery was recommended but unaffordable, and fear gripped his heart as he watched fellow patients pass away.
Luis finally returned home to the camp as hopeless as ever.
Compassionate Care
That’s when Luis heard about the local medical clinic started by Samaritan’s Purse. Word about the clinic’s compassionate staff and helpful services had spread throughout the camp, and Luis decided it was worth a visit.
We praise God that Luis’ transformation was remarkable! “He was so impressed by the doctor’s patience and sincerity,” explained Pastor Angelo*—one of our local partners who provides Biblical counseling at the clinic. “He felt valued during his consultations and cared for whenever staff reminded him to take his medications properly.”
Regular appointments are now part of Luis’s routine. “Visiting the clinic is one of the highlights of my week,” he said. “I get to talk to nice people and have my health checked. These people truly cared and loved me.”
Healthcare Nearby
The displacement camp is in a remote location. Families that live there need to walk more than one hour to access many essential services, or they must take a cab. Most can’t afford the fare. And for seniors like Luis, the journey by foot is impossible.
That’s why having the clinic close by is so important. Four days a week, displaced families can easily access free healthcare and medication, as well as psychosocial counseling.
“This is a wonderful opportunity for us to come alongside people who have been badly bruised by armed conflict,” said another member of our team. “We have the opportunity also to minister to them in meaningful ways, pointing them to Jesus Christ as the source of healing.”
The Samaritan’s Purse doctor advised Luis to continue taking his medication. Luis received counseling too, which helped him to process the painful trauma and loss he’d experienced.
Breathing Better
Over time, Luis’ breathing difficulties vanished, and so did the swelling in his feet. His emotional health improved as well.
“I am extremely grateful to God for healing me and bringing me to this clinic,” said Luis. “I don’t know how to express how happy I am.”
“Many of us felt excluded and forgotten,” he continued. “I am grateful to Samaritan’s Purse for remembering us and providing us with medical assistance.”
Healthcare that ministers to both body and soul is a gift you can give today through your prayerful support. Our medical partners, who run clinics around the world and interact with patients day in and day out, send their deepest gratitude. They also ask for prayer—for the ministry God has given to them and for patients who need to know the hope and love of the Great Physician.
“I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul” (3 John 2:2, ESV).
*Name changed