As temperatures dip into the single digits in Ukraine, Samaritan's Purse is supplying firewood and warm clothing to residents to help them survive.
Tetiana* and her family faced plummeting temperatures in Ukraine with a wood stove, but sadly, no fuel to fill it. The forests nearby had all been riddled with explosives from an earlier occupation by enemy forces, so gathering wood in the usual ways was out of the question. Unexploded ordnance was everywhere.
“We could not provide ourselves with wood,” said Tetiana, a wife and mother of two who lives in Kharkiv oblast (region). “The forests are mined, I have no job, and also, I have health problems. Realizing that your family will not be able to heat the home and keep children warm is very difficult. Every day, the question remains the same—will we survive the winter?”
Still, this mother, who has been a Christian believer for many years, persevered knowing that God would watch over her.
“Faith in God gave us strength and hope that we would not be left alone with our problems. Soon, God would answer our prayers.”
That answer came when Samaritan’s Purse delivered to her home more than a cord and a half of wood, as well as four sets of winter clothes.
“Thanks to you we can keep warm at home during this cold winter.”
“I see a pile of firewood in our yard, and I can’t believe that my house will be warm and I will be able to boil tea once again,” Tetiana said.
Over a month has passed since the day that special delivery arrived and Tetiana continues to be amazed at God’s provision.