Last spring, Samaritan’s Purse responded to devastating flooding in Obrenovac, Serbia. Months later, one of our Serbian church partners that rehabilitates drug addicts has witnessed a breakthrough for the Gospel in the same city.
Dear friends,
February, 2015—We are very, very excited. As you may recall, we have been helping many families that experienced devastating floods in May of last year. God has placed on our hearts one of the cities—Obrenovac—with a population close to 60,000. It is a city without a single evangelical church, group or family.
At the time of the flooding, the whole area looked like a lake, with roofs floating on its surface. This tragedy has left people homeless, hopeless, and wondering how they will go on.
God gave us a clear vision as soon as we saw these images on the news.
We were there to rent an unflooded home and send a team that would stay and start helping. During the last eight months, we were able to help hundreds of families and had the opportunity to share the Good News. We gave New Testaments to many people who gladly took them and started reading.
We invited around 30 people who showed great interest in hearing more about God to a recent gathering. They all came and after three hours, some did not hurry to leave.
We have been praying for the ex-drug addicts who were part of the team we sent to help flooded families. To God be the glory!
“I gave up hope that Veljko (a former drug addict) would ever change,” said Veljko’s father as he got up and publicly testified in front of all who had gathered. “I am now so proud of my son and grateful to God for all that is happening in Obrenovac. My chest is too small for the huge heart that I have inside”
Natasa also stood up: “When we saw all the water and knew that our home was under it, we were in total shock. Then the worst happened—my husband collapsed. The stress was too much. He was rushed to Belgrade Hospital. My two boys and I… ” Her tears started to flow. Words were no longer necessary. All of us felt her pain. She had given her life to Christ a couple of months ago and her husband is also very open.
We were wondering if those gathered would be interested in attending regular meetings where they could learn more about God and study His word. Almost all said they would come next Saturday.
We wish we could tell you more so you can be as excited as we are! You are part of all that God does here. Rejoice!
Vera and Danny