Water Projects - 080190 Water Projects

Safe Water Curriculum Lesson Package

Samaritan’s Purse Canada has been doing essential relief and development work in Jesus’ Name all around the world since 1973. Our Emergency Disaster Relief programs provide urgently needed assistance including food, water, and temporary shelter. We meet critical needs and give people a chance to rebuild their lives here in Canada and around the world. As well, through our Water Projects, we are providing life-saving clean water and essential health and hygiene training to hundreds of thousands of people in the developing world.

The lesson set that follows offers Canadian children a glimpse into the lives and issues of people around the world with a specific focus on water. Some of the lessons have science and technology sections, others link to social studies, health and wellness. All of the lessons are designed to impact a student’s world-view and hopefully encourage them to actively engage with the wider world and make a difference. The lessons were designed to meet Alberta, Ontario and BC curriculum requirements and will have application for learning in all the provinces and territories.

Teachers, we urge you to make these lessons your own. Use what works, leave the parts that are too difficult for your age group, and let us know what you think. We want this resource to be easy to use, and for teachers to use it.

For additional lessons for younger grades and Sunday School, please check out Safe water curriculum for school and church. It is a great tool for Sunday School and Junior High students to learn more about the world’s water problems and how they can be part of the solution.

Water for Life

Samaritan’s Purse Canada Education Resources

For Grades 9-12

Water Projects - 080190 Water Projects

Save the life of a child or adult in a developing country by providing safe water along with health and hygiene education that will help protect them from deadly, but preventable, diseases. Simple and effective water filters, community wells and water storage solutions, and sanitation facilities can all drastically improve lives and open doors to share the eternal hope of Jesus Christ.