Where Most Needed - 012000 Gift Catalog

Give Little Gifts Full of Hope

Just outside Ukraine, art supplies and a children’s Bible are helping young Liza heal from the trauma of war. In Niger, garden seeds allow Zubaida and her family to grow nutritious crops when food is scarce. These gifts may be small and inexpensive, but they’re also full of hope.

As you shop this season, explore the fun gifts $25 or less in our online Christmas catalog. They’re perfect for anyone, especially for kids to give to teachers, coaches, grandparents, and friends. You can even send free electronic honor cards. Best of all, every gift will point to Jesus, the true hope of Christmas.

1 Warm Blanket

This time of year, the temperature is dropping for many of us. It’s a good time to cozy up with a warm blanket. But many people around the world don’t have even this small comfort. Imagine how hard it is to sleep with no covering following a disaster that has destroyed your home. You can supply a blanket or other bedding to a child or a family for just $10.

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2 Baby Chicks

The gift of chickens, along with training and other resources, can change lives. Give a chicken and provide ongoing food and income for a family. For $20 you can help a family raise chickens for nutritious eggs and meat. Given in Jesus’ Name, a fluffy chick is a gentle reminder of God’s tender loving care.

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Sports Equipment

Give children sports gear and recreational equipment to help strengthen early childhood development. Suggested gift $25.

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Around the world, many people are eager to hear from the Lord, but do not have access to their own copy of Scripture. You can help provide a Bible or other Gospel literature to believers who are yearning for spiritual nourishment. Suggested gift $10.

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Garden Seeds

Tiny seeds can transform families’ lives and futures.A handful of seeds can seem a gift too small. But sometimes it’s a tiny thing that forever changes it all. Suggested gift $20.

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Where Most Needed - 012000 Gift Catalog

Your gift to "Where Most Needed" will help equip us with resources including personnel, materials, and supporting services to fulfill our mission and meet needs in Jesus’ Name around the world.