The deadliest storm since Typhoon Haiyan tore through the Philippines over Christmas, killing hundreds and displacing more than 100,000.
Tropical Storm Tembin devastated the southern Philippine island of Mindanao last December, triggering floods and landslides that killed 240 people, displaced more than 138,000 and impacted more than 715,000, according to the United Nations.
Samaritan’s Purse Canada, using gifts from Canadians like you, is working with our field office in the Philippines to respond. The need for shelter and emergency supplies has been significant since 1,600 homes were destroyed and some areas remain without access to safe water.
“As Christians, we are the light of this world meant to share God’s love,” said a pastor who partners with Samaritan’s Purse Canada and our field office in the Philippines to reach out to those who have endured disasters.
We also work with local churches to help build resilience and invest in emergency preparedness training, so families and communities can weather future storms.
“We must be ready to be a giver—a blessing to people,” said the pastor, whose name we are withholding for safety reasons. He works in a region where the vast majority of the population are followers of Islam.
We are building 15 latrines and 15 temporary bathing facilities along with distributing 230 emergency kits in addition to hygiene kits, cleaning supplies and food.
The Samaritan’s Purse field office helping coordinate the response is in Mindanao, where we were already engaged in water, sanitation and hygiene, nutrition, livelihoods, and hazard readiness training projects.
We have been working in the Philippines since Typhoon Haiyan hit in November 2013. After that catastrophic storm, our donors helped us provide emergency medical supplies and hygiene kits.
In the years since, we have also instigated a water, sanitation, and hygiene project in schools, bringing safe water to about 20,000 students, staff and other community members.
About 230 households will benefit from our current response.
Samaritan’s Purse Canada frequently responds to disasters, in Jesus’ Name, that receive very little media attention or don’t stay in the public eye for long.
“Through local partners, we are able to respond to small disasters that are often underreported, but provide an opportunity for significant physical and spiritual impact,” says Samaritan’s Purse International Disaster Response Manager David Bock.
Through Samaritan’s Purse, you can help families around the world impacted by natural disasters. Please join us in this effort to save lives and tell people about “the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge” (Ephesians 3:19, ESV).
Samaritan's Purse responds to humanitarian crises with physical aid and a message of spiritual hope for victims of natural disasters, famine, poverty, and war. Your gift will allow us to share Jesus' love through clean water, food, shelter, medical supplies, personnel, and other aid.